ThemeForest 45000 WP Themes Website Templates From 2. Our tool will analyze it for you and will display a whole lot of information about the WordPress theme and plugins being used. Find Out What Theme And Plugins A Wordpress Blog Is Using Blogging Advice Wordpress Blog Organization Planning Method One Using Theme Detectors To Find Out Which WordPress Theme a Website Is Using. . This is the most popular WP theme in the world and it will blow you away. There are two options for finding out what theme a WordPress site is using. Identify the theme using an online detector such as WP Theme Detector. However if the site uses a custom-built stylesheet or the theme has been heavily modified then your search will prompt an. Generally speaking the best way to determine this is to perform a code inspectionbut not everyone has the time andor skills to do this. If you wish to know what WordPress theme is a given website using checking